Created by: ljcremer
Number of Blossarys: 1
- English (EN)
- Italian (IT)
- Dutch (NL)
- Portuguese (PT)
- Indonesian (ID)
- Farsi (FA)
- Romanian (RO)
- Croatian (HR)
- Kazakh (KK)
- Serbian (SR)
- Hindi (HI)
- Igbo (IG)
- Afrikaans (AF)
A device (transducer) used to convert sound waves into a varying electric current; normally fed into an amplifier and either recorded or broadcast.
Dispozitiv (traductor)utilizat la convertirea undelor sonore in curent electric variabil, in mod normal introdus într-un amplificato si fie înregistrat sau difuzat
A device, especially one using transistors or electron tubes, that produces amplification of an electrical signal.
Dispozitiv, care foloseste in special tranzistori sau tuburi de electroni, si care produce amplificarea unui semnal electric.
Pertaining to a combination of sound and sight (e.g., television and sound motion pictures).
Se refera la o combinatie de sunete si imagini (ex:televiziunea si imaginile in miscare cu sunet suprapus)