University of Michigan
Industry: Education
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A table of all inputs and outputs of an economy's industries, including intermediate transactions, primary inputs, and sales to final users. As developed by Wassily Leontief, the table can be used to calculate gross outputs and primary factor inputs needed to produce specified net outputs. Leontief (1954) used this to find the factor content of U. S. Trade, generating the Leontief Paradox.
Una red de economistas de la investigación, en Europa y América del norte, centrándose en la economía global, comercio y la integración financiera y desarrollo internacional.
A hypothetical, theoretical benchmark in which both goods and factors move costlessly between countries. The IWE is associated with a rectangular diagram depicting allocation of factors to countries, showing conditions for FPE. The name was coined by Dixit and Norman (1980), but the concept and technique was introduced by Travis (1964).
A box diagram, somewhat analogous to an Edgeworth box, depicting alternative allocations of world endowments of two factors between two countries. It is used to illustrate the conditions for factor price equalization. See figure.
A form of arbitrage intended to profit from a difference in interest rates in different markets. It consists of simultaneously borrowing at the low interest rate and lending at the higher interest rate in order to profit from the difference. If done in two different currencies, it may be covered or uncovered.
Una cuenta en un banco u otra institución financiera que paga intereses al depositante.
Un impuesto que grava entre 1963 y 1974 por Estados Unidos del 15% de interés recibidas de los prestatarios extranjeros, destinada a desalentar las salidas de capital.
A target level for domestic aggregate economic activity, such as a level of GDP that minimizes unemployment without being inflationary. See the assignment problem. Contrasts with external balance.
A way of quantifying the stream over time of returns on an investment relative to its cost. Defined as the interest rate at which the present value of the returns equals the cost.
1. cualquier mecanismo para el cambio en los mercados internacionales. 2. el mecanismo por el cuales los pagos disminuyen desequilibrios debajo de los tipos de cambio fijos y nonsterilization. Al igual que el mecanismo de flujo de la especie, intervención del mercado cambiario causa fuentes de dinero de los países superavitarios para expandir y viceversa, líder en precio y tasa de interés cambia que corregir los desequilibrios de la corriente y la cuenta de capital.