Home > Terms > Serbian (SR) > bruto domaći proizvod (BDP)

bruto domaći proizvod (BDP)

The total value of final goods and services produced in the economy. The "estimated GNP" figures used in the text are estimates by United States government analysts of Chinese GNP according to the U. S. Definition, which includes personal consumption, gross investment, all government expenditures, and net exports. Through mid-1987, Chinese calculations of national income excluded government and personal services, passenger transportation, and depreciation investment.

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Pramonės šaka / sritis: History Category: World history

Опсада ла Рошела

Хугенотско упориште на западној обали Француске, под опсадом кардинала Ришела 15 месеци 1627-28. Три четвртине становништва је умрло од глади.