Home > Blossary: Humanitarian


8 Terms

Created by: badoubousso

Number of Blossarys: 1

My Terms
Collected Terms

verwijst naar het verstrekken van goedkeuring of instemming, met name en vooral na attent overweging. Geïnformeerde toestemming is toestemming door een patiënt een medische of chirurgische ...

Domain: Health care; Category: 

Merujuk kepada peruntukan kelulusan atau persetujuan, terutama sekali selepas pertimbangan. Persetujuan termaklum adalah persetujuan oleh seorang pesakit untuk menjalani rawatan perubatan atau ...

Domain: Health care; Category: 

Означава предоставянето на разрешение или съгласие, в частност и особено след внимателно обмисляне. Информирано съгласие означава съгласието на пациента да се подложи на медицинска или хирургична ...

Domain: Health care; Category: 

se refiere a autorizar o expresar conformidad, en particular y especialmente después de haberlo considerado detenidamente. El consentimiento informado es el consentimiento que da un paciente para ...

Domain: Health care; Category: 

refers to the provision of approval or assent, particularly and especially after thoughtful consideration. Informed consent is consent by a patient to undergo a medical or surgical treatment or to ...

Domain: Health care; Category: 

refers to the provision of approval or assent, particularly and especially after thoughtful consideration. Informed consent is consent by a patient to undergo a medical or surgical treatment or to ...

Domain: Health care; Category: 

L'adhésion d'une partie à la proposition faite par l'autre. Le consentement en médecine est informe lorsqu'une personne (ou de son mandataire légal) accepte de se soumettre à un traitement médical, ...

Domain: Health care; Category: 

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